
Contributions from the Danbury Old Timers Association help support youth sports in our community and the sports programs in our area schools. In addition, our scholarship program helps send many of our area student-athletes on to higher education, which may not have been possible without the scholarship provided by the Old Timers.

To continue these activities takes money. Therefore, we request your support both in giving of your time and financial support. If you are not aware, the Danbury Old Timers Association is a tax exempt 501 (c))(9) organization which means all donations are tax deductible. In addition, we are also eligible to participate in Corporate Community programs where employee’s charitable contributions are matched by their employer.

Please remember us each year with a donation. A donation of any size is appreciated. Many community members have also made the Danbury Old Timers Association part of their wills and trusts.

An example of the good that comes from the work of the Old Timers is John Iovino, one of the most successful coaches in Connecticut high school sports. John was one of our scholarship winners and he says, “I would not have been able to go to college and get my education degree without the support of the Old Timers. Keep up the good work”.

Please help us to continue to support our young student-athletes and sports in our great community.

Contact us at to find out more about how you can donate to the Danbury Old Timers Associaton.


September 26th, 2024

Annual Dinner

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October 8th, 2024

Golf Tournement

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